The WWF House Show is a House show produced by the World Wrestling Federation on May 12, 1988 at the Winnipeg Arena in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques Rougeau and Raymond Rougeau) defeated The Killer Bees (B. Brian Blair and Jim Brunzell)
- Don Muraco (w/Superstar Billy Graham) defeated The One Man Gang
- George Steele defeated Jim Neidhart by countout
- Koko B. Ware defeated Bobby Heenan
- Haku &Siva Afi defeated Hillbilly Jim &Don Muraco
- Jake Roberts fought Rick Rude to a double countout
- Randy Savage (c) defeated Ted DiBiase to retain the WWF Championship