The WWF House Show is a House show produced by the World Wrestling Federation on January 8, 1987 at the New Haven Coliseum in New Haven, Connecticut.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- The Honky Tonk Man defeated SD Jones
- The American Express (Danny Spivey and Mike Rotundo) fought The Islanders (Haku and Tama) to a double DQ
- Dino Bravo defeated Pedro Morales
- King Harley Race defeated Koko B. Ware
- Billy Jack Haynes defeated Butch Reed
- Sivi Afi & Davey Boy Smith defeated The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart)
- Ricky Steamboat defeated Randy Savage (c) via DQ. Randy Savage retained the WWF Intercontinental Championship