The WWF House Show is a House show produced by the World Wrestling Federation on February 8, 1988 at the Los Angeles Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Scott Casey defeated Terry Gibbs
- Sam Houston defeated Danny Davis
- The One Man Gang defeated Jake Roberts by Count Out
- The Jumping Bomb Angels (Itsuki Yamazaki and Noriyo Tateno) (c) defeated The Glamour Girls (Judy Martin and Leilani Kai)
- Ted DiBiase (w/Virgil) (c) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow to retain the WWF Championship
- Dan Spivey defeated Lanny Poffo
- Brutus Beefcake defeated Greg Valentine
- The Islanders (Haku and Tama) defeated The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) by DQ