The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon is an American late-night talk show hosted by Jimmy Fallon on NBC. The show premiered on February 17, 2014 and is produced by Broadway Video and Universal Television. It is the seventh incarnation of NBC's long-running Tonight Show franchise, with Fallon serving as the sixth host. The show also stars sidekick and announcer Steve Higgins and house band The Roots. The Tonight Show is produced by former Daily Show executive producer Josh Lieb and executively produced by Lorne Michaels. The show records from Studio 6B in Rockefeller Center, New York City.
- The Rock - July 22, 2014.
- The Rock - December 11, 2014.
- Undertaker - November 11, 2015
- John Cena - December 8, 2015
- John Cena - March 29, 2016
- Bella Twins - January 25, 2019
- Alexa Bliss, Carmella, Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, Seth Rollins - April 3, 2019
- Batista - May 28, 2021
- Batista - January 31, 2023.
External links[]
- The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Wikipedia