Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

ROH The Homecoming II is an event produced by Ring of Honor. It took place on April 25, 2009 in Chicago Ridge, Illinois at the Frontier Fieldhouse.


Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
  • Kevin Steen beat Eddie Edwards (10:56)
  • Davey Richards beat Kevin Steen (19:12)
  • Eddie Edwards beat Jay Briscoe (24:37)

External links[]

2009 Ring of Honor Events

Full CircleInjustice IIMotor City MadnessCaged CollisionProving Ground: Night OneProving Ground: Night TwoEliminating the CompetitionStylin' & Profilin'Insanity UnleashedSteel City Clash7th Anniversary ShowSupercard of Honor IVTake No PrisonersThe Hunt BeginsTag Title ClassicA Cut AboveThe Homecoming IINever Say DieValidationContentionManhattan Mayhem IIIViolent TendenciesEnd of an AgeDeath Before Dishonor VII: Night OneDeath Before Dishonor VII: Night TwoThe Final Countdown Tour: DaytonThe Final Countdown Tour: ChicagoThe Final Countdown Tour: BostonGlory by Honor VIIIClash of the ContendersSurvival of the FittestBoiling PointAries vs. RichardsThe Omega EffectReverse the CurseFinal Battle
