Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

Survival of the Fittest 2007 was the fourth annual Survival of the Fittest tournament held by Ring of Honor. The show took place on November 19, 2007 at the Empire Ballroom in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show was ROH's debut in Nevada, and first show west of Chicago.


External links[]

ROH Survival of the Fittest

2007 Ring of Honor Events

DedicatedBattle of the IconsFifth Year Festival: NYCFifth Year Festival: PhillyFifth Year Festival: DaytonFifth Year Festival: ChicagoFifth Year Festival: LiverpoolFifth Year Festival: FinaleAll-Star Extravaganza IIISupercard of Honor IIThis Means War IIFighting SpiritThe Battle of St. PaulGood Times, Great MemoriesReborn AgainRespect is EarnedA Fight at the RoxburyDominationUnited We StandDrivenLive in TokyoLive in OsakaRace to the Top Tournament Night 1Race to the Top Tournament Night 2Death before Dishonor V (Night One)Death before Dishonor V (Night Two)Caged RageManhattan Mayhem IIMotor City MadnessMan UpHonor NationSurvival of the FittestChaos at the Cow PalaceGlory by Honor VI (Night One)Glory by Honor VI (Night Two)Reckless AbandonUnscripted IIIRising AboveFinal Battle
