Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

It All Begins was a wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on January 15, 2005 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
(c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.

External links[]

2005 Ring of Honor Events

It All BeginsDo or Die IVThird Anniversary Celebration: Part OneThird Anniversary Celebration: Part TwoThird Anniversary Celebration: Part ThreeTrios TournamentBack to BasicsBest of American Super Juniors TournamentStalemateManhattan Mayhem IThe Final ShowdownNowhere to RunNew FrontiersThe Future is NowDeath before Dishonor IIISign of DishonorEscape from New YorkFate of an AngelThe HomecomingRedemptionPunk: The Final ChapterNight of the Grudges IIDragon Gate InvasionGlory by Honor IVSurvival of the FittestJoe vs. KobashiUnforgettableEnter the DragonBuffalo StampedeThis Means WarShowdown in MotownVendettaA Night of TributeSteel Cage WarfareFinal Battle

2004 Ring of Honor Events

The Battle Lines are DrawnThe Last StandSecond Anniversary ShowDo or Die IIAt Our BestReborn (Stage One)Reborn (Stage Two)Round Robin Challenge IIIGeneration NextWorld Title ClassicSurvival of the FittestReborn: CompletionDeath before Dishonor 2: Part OneDeath before Dishonor 2: Part TwoTesting the LimitScramble Cage MeleeGlory by Honor 3Midnight Express ReunionGoldJoe vs. Punk IIWeekend of Thunder (Night One)Weekend of Thunder (Night Two)All-Star Extravaganza 2Final Battle
