Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

Good Times, Great Memories was a wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on April 28, 2007 in Chicago Ridge, Illinois.

Show events[]

Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.

  • Six Man Mayhem Match:
Delirious vs. Gran Akuma vs. Hallowicked vs. Jigsaw vs. Mike Quackenbush vs. Pelle Primeau
  • Winner: Delirious (10:29).
  • Singles Match:
Christopher Daniels vs. Erick Stevens
  • Winner: Time Limit Draw (15:00).
  • Four Corner Survival Match:
BJ Whitmer vs. Brent Albright vs. Homicide vs. Jimmy Rave
  • Winner: Brent Albright (10:13).
  • Singles Match:
Austin Aries vs. Rocky Romero
  • Winner: Austin Aries (12:28).
Shingo Takagi vs. Takeshi Morishima (c)
  • Winner: Takeshi Morishima (15:22).
  • Singles Match:
Alex Payne vs. Tank Toland
  • Winner: Tank Toland (2:40).
  • Singles Match:
Jack Evans vs. Roderick Strong
  • Winner: Roderick Strong (15:10).
Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe) (c) vs. Murder City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin)
  • Winner: Jay & Mark Briscoe (34:17).
  • Colt Cabana's Farewell Match:
Adam Pearce vs. Colt Cabana
  • Winner: Colt Cabana (13:31).

External links[]

2007 Ring of Honor Events

DedicatedBattle of the IconsFifth Year Festival: NYCFifth Year Festival: PhillyFifth Year Festival: DaytonFifth Year Festival: ChicagoFifth Year Festival: LiverpoolFifth Year Festival: FinaleAll-Star Extravaganza IIISupercard of Honor IIThis Means War IIFighting SpiritThe Battle of St. PaulGood Times, Great MemoriesReborn AgainRespect is EarnedA Fight at the RoxburyDominationUnited We StandDrivenLive in TokyoLive in OsakaRace to the Top Tournament Night 1Race to the Top Tournament Night 2Death before Dishonor V (Night One)Death before Dishonor V (Night Two)Caged RageManhattan Mayhem IIMotor City MadnessMan UpHonor NationSurvival of the FittestChaos at the Cow PalaceGlory by Honor VI (Night One)Glory by Honor VI (Night Two)Reckless AbandonUnscripted IIIRising AboveFinal Battle
