Fifth Year Festival: Chicago was a wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on February 24, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. The show feature Samoa Joe final United States appearance as a regular in Ring of Honor
- Brent Albright (w/Larry Sweeney) defeated Claudio Castagnoli
- The Dangerous Angels (Sara Del Rey & Allison Danger) defeated MsChif & Serena Deeb
- Matt Cross defeated CJ Otis, Shingo and Trik Davis
- After the match, Austin Aries asked Cross to be his partner in his match against the No Remorse Corps
- Jimmy Rave defeated BJ Whitmer
- The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe) defeated Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal to win the ROH World Tag Team Championship
- Austin Aries & Matt Cross defeated the No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong & Davey Richards)
- After the match, the No Remorse Corps attacked Cross, with Strong giving him Gibson Driver on a steel guard rail.
- Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Jacobs (w/Lacey) in Windy City Death match
- Takeshi Morishima & Nigel McGuinness defeated Samoa Joe & Homicide