Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

Contention was a professional wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on June 12, 2009 at Sports Network & Fitness Inc. in Manassas, Virginia.


Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
(c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.

External links[]

2009 Ring of Honor Events

Full CircleInjustice IIMotor City MadnessCaged CollisionProving Ground: Night OneProving Ground: Night TwoEliminating the CompetitionStylin' & Profilin'Insanity UnleashedSteel City Clash7th Anniversary ShowSupercard of Honor IVTake No PrisonersThe Hunt BeginsTag Title ClassicA Cut AboveThe Homecoming IINever Say DieValidationContentionManhattan Mayhem IIIViolent TendenciesEnd of an AgeDeath Before Dishonor VII: Night OneDeath Before Dishonor VII: Night TwoThe Final Countdown Tour: DaytonThe Final Countdown Tour: ChicagoThe Final Countdown Tour: BostonGlory by Honor VIIIClash of the ContendersSurvival of the FittestBoiling PointAries vs. RichardsThe Omega EffectReverse the CurseFinal Battle
