The October 13, 2020 Edition of AEW Dark was a Professional wrestling event of AEW which took place at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.
- Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Jungle Boy defeated Evil Uno and Frankie Kazarian and The Blade in a Four Way Match
- Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero M) defeated Lee Johnson & Cezar Bononi
- Brandon Cutler vs. Peter Avalon (w/ Leva Bates) ended in a Double DQ
- Matt Sydal defeated Sonny Kiss
- Dark Order (3, 4 & 10) defeated Aaron Solow, Angel Fashion & 'M'Badu in a Six Man Tag Team Match
- Red Velvett defeated Elayna Black
- Ricky Starks defeated Fuego Del Sol
- Billy & Austin Gunn defeated Ryzin & Maxx Stardom
- Darby Allin defeated Nick Comoroto
- Colt Cabana defeated Griff Garrison
- Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) defeated KiLynn King
- Joey Janela defeated D3
- Wardlow defeated Elijah Dean
- Eddie Kingston defeated Baron Black
Other on-screen talent[]