The November 30, 2021 Edition of AEW Dark was a Professional wrestling event of AEW which took place at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.
- Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Dark Match: Arjun Singh defeated Dillon McQueen
- Shawn Spears & Wardlow defeated Bear Country (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder)
- KiLynn King defeated Renee Michelle
- Santana & Ortiz defeated Gus De La Vega & Brandon Gore
- Skye Blue defeated La Rosa Negra
- 5 defeated Mike Reed
- Ryo Mizunami defeated Dani Jordyn
- The Butcher (w/ The Bunny, Matt Hardy & Jora Johl) defeated Michael Martinez
- Julia Hart defeated Nikita Knight
- Infinito defeated Ray Jaz
- Leyla Hirsch defeated Sahara Seven
- The Varsity Blonds (Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison) (w/ Julia Hart) defeated The Factory (Aaron Solo & Nick Comoroto)
- Tony Nese defeated D'Marceo James
- Matt Hardy & Jora Johl defeated Baron Black & Prince Agballah
- Ethan Page defeated Fuego Del Sol
- Adam Cole defeated Anthony Greene
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