The NXT House Show is a House show produced by World Wrestling Entertainment which took place on February 29, 2020 at the Maxwell Snyder Armory in Jacksonville, Florida.
- (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match.
- Dio Maddin defeated Dexter Lumis
- Aliyah & Taynara defeated Rita Reis & Shotzi Blackheart
- Jeet Rama defeated Cezar Bononi
- Mia Yim defeated Marina Shafir
- Cal Bloom & Shane Thorne defeated Kassius Ohno & Ridge Holland
- Jorge Bolly defeated Rik Bugez
- Dorian Mak (w/Kona Reeves) defeated EJ Nduka
- Deonna Purrazzo defeated Emily Andzulis
- The BroserWeights (Matt Riddle & Pete Dunne) (c) defeated Imperium (Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel) to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship