Jesse Ventura & Vince McMahon were a commentator team in the World Wrestling Federation.
McMahon and Ventura were polar opposites of each other, and yet their chemistry was magic. No matter how out-there Ventura's look or ideology was, McMahon would find someway to counter with a smart remark to shut Jesse up. These two played off of each other quite well and at the time were a great fit.
Two examples stand out. The first was jibe by Ventura that made McMahon laugh legitimately - accusing Vince of riding side saddle. The second was during one of Rick Rude's in ring make out sessions with a rather large lady in San Francisco - whereupon McMahon was almost heelish against the lady, even reflecting post smooch "I guess now we know why they call it the Cow Palace!"
McMahon and Ventura mostly commentated on matches for WWF Superstars of Wrestling and Saturday Night's Main Event. Before he left the promotion the two also worked with Bruno Sammartino. However the only major event they worked together on was the 1988 Royal Rumble. The pairing ended when Ventura left the promotion in 1990.
The pair re-united briefly for the battle royal on November 23, 2009 on Monday Night Raw on the night that Ventura was the guest host - and some say the old magic was re-captured for a short while. McMahon even wore his old red bow tie and came to the ring to the original music for Saturday Night's Main Event instead of his own.
- Royal Rumble 1988 - January 24, 1988