Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling
FL 15 Goldust v Stardust

Get ready for a supernova-like explosion at WWE Fastlane when Goldust and Stardust collide. According to The Bizarre One himself, the match is not just a chance for the siblings to hash out their differences — it may be Goldust's last hope to save his younger brother from trekking too far into the darkness of the Stardust persona.

For weeks, the WWE Universe had detected heightening turmoil between the sons of WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes. What appeared to begin as a simple miscommunication, however, has since ballooned into a much larger, and perhaps irreparable, problem for the brothers, who twice held the WWE Tag Team Titles.

There was an early sign of trouble when Stardust disagreed with his older brother's assertion that millennials — a generation to which Stardust belongs — do not work for anything on their own, instead preferring to “take” from those who precede them. Slowly but surely, the signs of disunity crept into their tag team matches, with Stardust and Goldust tagging their way into action at inopportune moments, leading to crucial losses.

Following a loss to The Ascension on the Feb. 2 Raw, Stardust berated The Bizarre One mid-ring, and when Goldust tried to smooth things over backstage, Stardust furiously stormed off at his brother referring to him as “Cody.” The Superstar from the Fifth Dimension then abandoned Goldust completely during a match on SmackDown, and days later on Raw, after Dusty Rhodes attempted to unify his boys, Stardust betrayed the golden Superstar, dropping him with Cross Rhodes, a move onetime utilized by Cody Rhodes.

At WWE Fastlane, will Gold & Stardust's difficulty reveal itself to be an innocuous bump in the road for the brothers, an overblown sibling squabble that can be fixed with fisticuffs? Or is the WWE Universe witnessing a true disintegration of the relationship between Goldust and Stardust and, in the process, the emergence of an even more twisted Stardust?

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Fastlane 2015 previews

6 Man Tag MatchThe Usos v Tyson Kidd & CesaroGoldust v StardustNikki Bella v PaigeBad News Barrett v Dean AmbroseRusev v John CenaRoman Reigns v Daniel Bryan
