Mexican professional wrestling promotion celebrated their 33rd anniversary with two professional wrestling major shows centering around the anniversary date in early to mid September. The second EMLL 33rd Anniversary Show took place on September 30, 1966 in Arena México, Mexico City, Mexico to commemorated the anniversary of EMLL, which over time became the oldest professional wrestling promotion in the world. The Anniversary show is EMLL's biggest show of the year, their Super Bowl event.
The event featured an undetermined number of professional wrestling matches with different wrestlers involved in pre-existing scripted feuds or storylines. Wrestlers portray either villains (referred to as Rudos in Mexico) or fan favorites (Técnicos in Mexico) as they compete in wrestling matches with pre-determined outcomes. Due to the nature of keeping mainly paper records of wrestling at the time no documentation has been found for some of the matches of the show.
The second 33rd Anniversary show saw a continuation of the feud between the team of Rene Guajardo and Karloff Lagarde and the team of Jerry London and Felipe Ham Lee. At the first 33rd Anniversary Show Guajardo had defeated Lee and London had defeated Lagarde in a series of Lucha de Apuesta hair vs. hair match. the two winners faced off in yet another Lucha de Apuesta hair vs. hair match, which saw Guajardo gain a measure of revenge on behalf of his tag team partner as Jerry London left Arena Mexico with his hair shaved off.