Pro Wrestling
Pro Wrestling

CHIKARA (October 30, 2005) took place at the Ursinus College in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. The event took place on October 30, 2005.


Numbers in parentheses indicate the length of the match.
  • Shane Storm defeated Icarus (9:12)
  • Icarus defeated Lance Storm (8:41)
  • Mike Quackenbush defeated Claudio Castagnoli (7:28)

External links[]

2005 CHIKARA events

Tag World Grand Prix 2005 - Night 1Tag World Grand Prix 2005 - Night 2Tag World Grand Prix 2005 - Night 3Remain In LightDon't Eat The Black OneWar Grapes!Speaking In TonguesTrial By FoamGrape American BashAniversario BlueAniversario OrangeAniversario WhiteStop Making SensePlanet Of The GrapesYoung Lions Cup III - Night 1Young Lions Cup III - Night 2Young Lions Cup III - Night 3Negative BalanceInternational Invaders Stage IInternational Invaders Stage IILittle CreaturesCibernetico ReturnethOctober 30 eventRunning In The RedTrue StoriesHors D'Ouerves & Dynamite
