Pro Wrestling Wiki

Barry Buchanan (Bowdon, Geórgia, 15 de janeiro de 1968) é um lutador de wrestling profissional norte-americano, mais conhecido pelo nome de ringue Bull Buchanan.

Ligações externas[]

World Tag Team Championship (Campeões)
Anos 1970

Luke Graham e Tarzan Tyler  • Karl Gotch e Rene Goulet  • Mikel Scicluna e King Curtis Iaukea  • Chief Jay Strongbow e Sonny King  • Mr. Fuji e Professor Tanaka  • Haystacks Calhoun e Tony Garea  • Dean Ho e Tony Garea  • Valiant Brothers (Jimmy Valiant e Johnny Valiant)  • Dominic DeNucci e Pat Barrett/Victor Rivera  • The Blackjacks (Blackjack Lanza e Blackjack Mulligan)  • Louis Cerdan e Tony Parisi  • Executioners (Executioner #1 e Executioner #2)  • Billy White Wolf e Chief Jay Strongbow  • Dino Bravo e Dominic DeNucci  • Yukon Lumberjacks (Lumberjack Eric e Lumberjack Pierre)  • Larry Zbyszko e Tony Garea  • Valiant Brothers (Jerry Valiant e Johnny Valiant)  • Ivan Putski e Tito Santana

Anos 1980

Wild Samoans (Afa e Sika)  • Bob Backlund e Pedro Morales  • Rick Martel e Tony Garea  • The Moondogs (Moondog Rex e Moondog King/Moondog Spot)  • Mr. Fuji e Mr. Saito  • Chief Jay Strongbow e Jules Strongbow  • Soul Patrol (Rocky Johnson e Tony Atlas)  • North-South Connection (Adrian Adonis e Dick Murdoch)  • U.S. Express (Barry Windham e Mike Rotundo)  • The Iron Sheik e Nikolai Volkoff  • The Dream Team (Brutus Beefcake e Greg Valentine)  • The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith e Dynamite Kid)  • The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart e Jim Neidhart)  • Strike Force (Rick Martel e Tito Santana)  • Demolition (Ax, Crush e Smash)  • The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson e Tully Blanchard)  • Colossal Connection (André the Giant e Haku)

Anos 1990

The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs e Jerry Sags)  • The Legion of Doom (Animal e Hawk)  • Money Inc. (Irwin R. Schyster e Ted DiBiase)  • The Natural Disasters (Earthquake e Typhoon)  • The Steiner Brothers (Rick Steiner e Scott Steiner)  • The Quebecers (Quebecer Jacques e Quebecer Pierre)  • The 1-2-3 Kid e Marty Jannetty  • Men on a Mission (Mabel e Mo)  • The Headshrinkers (Fatu e Samu)  • Two Dudes with Attitudes (Diesel e Shawn Michaels)  • The 1-2-3 Kid e Bob Holly  • The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn e Billy Gunn)  • Owen Hart e Yokozuna  • Bodydonnas (Skip e Zip)  • The Godwinns (Henry O. Godwinn e Phineas I. Godwinn)  • Owen Hart e The British Bulldog  • Shawn Michaels e Stone Cold Steve Austin  • Dude Love e Stone Cold Steve Austin  • The Headbangers (Mosh e Thrasher)  • The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn e Road Dogg)  • Cactus Jack e Chainsaw Charlie  • Kane e Mankind  • Stone Cold Steve Austin e The Undertaker  • Big Boss Man e Ken Shamrock  • Jeff Jarrett e Owen Hart  • Kane e X-Pac  • The Acolytes/The A.P.A. (Bradshaw e Faarooq)  • The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy e Matt Hardy)  • The Unholy Alliance (Big Show e The Undertaker)  • The Rock 'n' Sock Connection (Mankind e The Rock)  • Holly Cousins (Crash Holly e Hardcore Holly)  • Al Snow e Mankind

Anos 2000

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray Dudley e D-Von Dudley)  • Edge e Christian  • Too Cool (Gremaster Sexay e Scotty 2 Hotty)  • Right to Censor (Bull Buchanan e The Goodfather)  • The Rock e The Undertaker  • The Brothers of Destruction (The Undertaker e Kane)  • Two-Man Power Trip (Stone Cold Steve Austin e Triple H)  • Chris Benoit e Chris Jericho  • Diamond Dallas Page e Chris Kanyon  • Chris Jericho e The Rock  • Booker T e Test  • Spike Dudley e Tazz  • Billy e Chuck  • Rico e Rikishi  • Edge e Hollywood Hulk Hogan  • The Un-Americans (Christian e Lance Storm)  • The Hurricane e Kane  • Chris Jericho e Christian  • Booker T e Goldust  • Lance Storm e William Regal  • Chief Morley e Lance Storm  • Kane e Rob Van Dam  • La Résistance (René Duprée e Sylvain Grenier)  • Evolution (Batista e Ric Flair)  • Booker T e Rob Van Dam  • Chris Benoit e Edge  • La Résistance (Robért Conway e Sylvain Grenier)  • Eugene e William Regal  • Tajiri e William Regal  • Rosey e The Hurricane  • Lance Cade e Trevor Murdoch  • Big Show e Kane  • The Spirit Squad (Johnny, Kenny, Mikey, Mitch e Nicky)  • Roddy Piper e Ric Flair  • Rated-RKO (Edge e Randy Orton)  • John Cena e Shawn Michaels  • Paul London e Brian Kendrick  • Cody Rhodes e Hardcore Holly  • The Legacy (Cody Rhodes e Ted DiBiase, Jr.)  • Batista e John Cena  • CM Punk e Kofi Kingston  • John Morrison e The Miz  • The Colóns (Carlito e Primo)  • Chris Jericho e Edge  • Jeri-Show (Big Show e Chris Jericho)  • D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels e Triple H)

Anos 2010

ShoMiz (Big Show e The Miz)  • The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith e Tyson Kidd)

GHC Tag Team Championship (Campeões)

Scorpio e Vader  • Mitsuharu Misawa e Yoshinari Ogawa  • No Fear (Takao Omori e Yoshihiro Takayama)  • Wild II (Takeshi Morishima e Takeshi Rikio)  • Jun Akiyama e Akitoshi Saito  • Tamon Honda e Kenta Kobashi  • Yuji Nagata e Hiroshi Tanahashi  • Scorpio e Doug Williams  • Naomichi Marufuji e Minoru Suzuki  • Takeshi Morishima e Mohammed Yone  • Jun Akiyama e Takeshi Rikio  • Roughly Obsess and Destroy (D'Lo Brown e Buchanan)  • Akitoshi Saito e Bison Smith  • Kensuke Sasaki e Takeshi Morishima  • Disobey (Takeshi Rikio e Mohammed Yone)  • Bison Smith e Keith Walker  • Takuma Sano e Yoshihiro Takayama  • Bad Intentions (Giant Bernard e Karl Anderson)  • Magnus e Samoa Joe  • No Mercy (Kenta e Maybach Taniguchi)  • Chaos (Takashi Iizuka e Toru Yano)  • The Mighty Don't Kneel (Mikey Nicholls e Shane Haste)  • Choukibou-gun (Maybach Taniguchi e Takeshi Morishima)  • Dangan Yankies (Masato Tanaka e Takashi Sugiura)  • Killer Elite Squad (Davey Boy Smith Jr. e Lance Archer)  • Naomichi Marufuji e Toru Yano  • Go Shiozaki e Maybach Taniguchi  • Kenoh e Masa Kitamiya  • Maybach Taniguchi e Naomichi Marufuji  • Atsushi Kotoge e Go Shiozaki  • 50 Funky Powers (Mohammed Yone e Quiet Storm)  • The Aggression (Katsuhiko Nakajima e Masa Kitamiya)  • Go-Kai (Go Shiozaki e Kaito Kiyomiya)  • Naomichi Marufuji e Akitoshi Saito  • Axiz (Go Shiozaki e Katsuhiko Nakajima)  • Hooligans (Maybach Taniguchi e Yuji Hino)  • Sugiura-gun (Kazma Sakamoto e Takashi Sugiura)  • Naomichi Marufuji e Masaaki Mochizuki  • Sugiura-gun International (El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. e René Duprée)  • Sugiura-gun (Takashi Sugiura e Kazushi Sakuraba)  • M's Alliance (Keiji Muto e Naomichi Marufuji)  • Sugiura-gun (Hideki Suzuki e Takashi Sugiura)  • Masa Kitamiya e Michael Elgin  • Hideki Suzuki e Timothy Thatcher  • Satoshi Kojima e Takashi Sugiura  • Daiki Inaba e Masa Kitamiya  • Shuhei Taniguchi e Takashi Sugiura  • Real (Saxon Huxley e Timothy Thatcher)  • GLG (Anthony Greene e Jack Morris)  • Team 2000X (Jack Morris e Omos)
